A revista TIME publicou o seu ranking anual de pessoas mais influentes do mundo. A novidade, no mundo da tecnologia, é a entrada de Tim Cook, CEO da Apple, como uma das pessoas mais influentes do mundo. Quando muitos pensavam que ele iria seguir os passos de Steve Jobs, a verdade é que tem conseguido fazer o seu próprio caminho e com mérito reconhecido.

Cada membro da lista da TIME tem depois um pequeno discursos de outras grandes figuras, e Cook viu-se elogiado pelo antigo vice-presidente dos EUA, Al Gore.
It is difficult to imagine a harder challenge than following the legendary Steve Jobs as CEO of Apple. Yet Tim Cook, a soft-spoken, genuinely humble and quietly intense son of an Alabama shipyard worker and a homemaker, hasn’t missed a single beat.
Fiercely protective of Jobs’ legacy and deeply immersed in Apple’s culture, Cook, 51, has already led the world’s most valuable and innovative company to new heights while implementing major policy changes smoothly and brilliantly.
He has indelibly imprinted his leadership on all areas of Apple — from managing its complex inner workings to identifying and shepherding new “insanely great” technology and design breakthroughs into the product pipeline.
Cook’s personal discipline, physical regimen and work hours reflect a philosophy summarized in his 2010 Auburn University commencement speech, in which he quoted President Lincoln: “I will prepare, and someday my chance will come.”
Highly ethical and always thoughtful, he projects calmness but can be tough as nails when necessary. Like the great conductor George Szell, Cook knows that his commitment to excellence is inseparable from the incredible ensemble he leads at Apple. Szell was noted for saying, “We begin where others leave off.”
Cook’s chance has come. What a beginning!
Uma declaração de admiração, que nos deixa a certeza de que a Apple está em boas mãos. Por curiosidade, Walter Isaacson, autor da biografia autorizada de Steve Jobs e antigo editor da própria TIME, entra também na lista das 100 pessoas mais influentes do mundo, recebendo o discurso da antiga Secretária de Estado dos EUA, Madeline Albright.
This is influence of the best species, educating us while demonstrating the continued fascination of the seriously examined life, rendered by Isaacson with the objectivity of a true historian and the flair of a born storyteller. But what most separates Isaacson, 59, from would-be peers is his wisdom in choosing subjects whose individual talents have affected all our lives.
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